Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The internet that I have been stealing from a neighbor decided it no longer wanted to work today, so I am now parked at a Panera doing all of my internet related activities. It is kinda of funny, but I have this urge to tell everyone in the world that I'm pregnant. When I want to have decaf coffe, I feel the need to explain that I need decaf because I'm pregnant. When I signed up for a land-line, I felt like I needed to explain that I wanted a land-line, because I'm pregnant. when I wear the same pair of jeans 3 days in a row, I feel like I should explain that my other pants are too tight because I'm not allowed to lose weight, because I'm pregnant. When I hold my nose walking through the freshly painted hall, I want to tell the neighbors it is, because I'm pregnant. When I give a dirty look to the person smoking outside my apartment, I feel like explaining to them that they can't do that, because I'm pregnant. When I take a nap on my couch and the maintenance man comes to fix my leaky faucet, I want to tell him I was napping, because I'm pregnant. I've succeeded in NOT acting on the impulse for the majority of the above situations, but sometimes it just sneaks out. :) I guess I'm going to go check some more websites, because I'm pregnant!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Try this again

So I haven't blogged in quite a while. Probably 7 months if my math is right. As I have now discovered that I am pregnant, I think I will give it another try. Let me see, what all has changed since my last post. Oh wait, everything. Mike and I no longer live in Pennsylvania, but in South Dakota. Mike is working for the State of South Dakota in the Bureau of Personell. I am working for myself doing nothing, but only until my resume sending out proves to be fruitful. I now have only 1 guinea pig, but I DO have a cat, who is sleeping next to me right at this moment. And last but not least, I am expecting a baby. My due date is 10 - 10 -10. I think that would be a fantastic day to have a baby! I would never forget the birthday!

Funny story of the day. Last night Mike and I set a trap to see if the cat would try to walk on our counters when we wouldn't be able to catch her. We sprinkled flour all over the counters, thinking that if the cat walked on them we would be able to see it. Unfortunately there was a bit of water left on the counter from doing the dishes. I didn't want to make a big pasty mess, so I threw a paper towel over it, and thought I would clean it up in the morning. Well, remember when you were a kid in school and you would have to make models of things? What did you use? Paper Mache, right? And how do you make paper mache? You mix flour and water. So basically I had pasted a whole bunch of paper towels to my counter. At least it cleans up easily!