Thursday, January 12, 2012

Class starts in 45 minutes, and my stomach is killing me. Nerves, nerves, go away!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I sometimes like to think about how committed to excellence I am, and here is what I have come up with. I am not committed to excellence. I am committed to "good enough to get the job done well, but not waste time with things that will not make a big difference." I get really tired of hearing how everyone is committed to excellence all the time, but then has just so-so products anyway. I really think that if I was committed to excellence, I would be able to do far less than I currently do. In my job, If I was committed to excellence, I would get probably half of what I get done, done. In leading worship, if I was committed to excellence, I would probably spend 10+ hours on picking out music, practicing, and finding just the right scripture to go along with things. In my school work, if I was committed to excellence, I would spend that full 12 hours a week on homework that they recommend. In my piano lessons, if I was committed to excellence, I would spend time each week coming up with new and exciting ways to teach my kiddos what they should be learning each week. In my housework, if I was committed to excellence (aka a clean house), I would spend 2+ hours a day on making sure things are clean and tidy. The only thing I think I am truly committed to excellence in is my relationships with my husband and baby. They are pretty much the only things I think are worth the time and effort to be truly excellent for. My students will get by with 90%. My job will get by with 90%. My church will get by with 90%. My family needs 100%, and by golly, I think I'll give it to them!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Semester

On Thursday I start my next semester of classes. Today I wrote the check to pay for it. Bleah. I really, really hate writing those checks. That same check could have covered my mortgage for the next 3 months. Not to mention my back is killing me and I really need a new mattress. Oh well, I will greatly appreciate it all when I am able to call myself a nurse!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Meth House

Sometimes I marvel at how lucky I am to live in such a nice neighborhood. For instance, a meth house nearly blew up just a couple blocks away. Across the street from us is a nice lesbian couple who I'm pretty sure are also drug dealers. Or maybe prostitutes. Either way, their apartment gets a lot of traffic. About a block away is the block of liquor stores and casinos. With a hispanic thrift store right smack dab in the middle. Our best neighbors just moved to Minnesota, so their house is now for rent, and I hope a nice family moves in. I hope they keep the lawn mowed, don't pound music from their cars, and keep the front porch from getting cluttered with junk. I'm tired of the "economic diversity" that makes my neighborhood stinky.

Friday, December 30, 2011


I want a nap. But not just any nap, I want a nap where no motorcycles drive by and rattle my windows. I want a nap where I don't wake up every time my baby makes a peep. I want a nap where my feet don't get cold and my head stays cool. I want a nap where my hips don't hurt and I don't feel like rolling over. I want a nap in a room that is dim but I can still see everything. I want a nap on fresh, clean, soft sheets with fluffy down comforters. I want a nap where I dream of beautiful things and wake up with a smile. I want a nap...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Grey's Anatomy

I started re-watching all of the Grey's Anatomy a few weeks ago, and am impressed that I am now 3 episodes away from being clear through the show. Well, at least as much of the show as is available on Netflix. Apparently I need to spend a lot more time focusing on keeping my house clean and on studying for my Chemistry classes. BTW, my bio/organic chem class starts in 14 days. I kicked butt at intro to chem, so now I can kick the rest of this chem stuff to the curb! As much as I hate to admit this, I got a C in college Algebra. The biggest reason for the C is that I am lazy and waited to take about 1/2 the class in a 10 day period of time. I took the first half of the class in a normal classroom setting, but as I was in my first trimester, I vomited at least once a class period, and by halfway through just didn't think I could do it anymore. My very kind professor allowed me to take an incomplete and finish the class the next semester, but I procrastinated and waited until 10 days before the deadline to start working through it. I have no idea what my actual grades were on those last 3 exams, but I'm guessing they weren't pretty. The first half the semester I was getting A's. Anyway, I now have this blemish on my college transcripts, and I really don't want it to prevent me from getting into nursing school. So this past semester I got an A in my general Chemistry class, and this semester I will get an A in my bio/organic class. I must, I must, I must! Anything less is just not acceptable. So now I have put it out there in internet land, so I have accountability. But if anyone in real life ever mentions it and I'm not getting an A, be prepared for lots and lots and lots of excuses. If mistakes are made, others will be blamed!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Single Mom

I'm so glad I am not a single mother. Mike has been out of town for just 2 days, and I'm already looking forward to his return so that I can have a bit of a reprieve. I think, mostly, I am just too lazy to be a single parent. I like my slacking off time, and when caring for an infant, there just isn't any of that to be had unless someone else spells you off. For instance, last night John woke up every 90 minutes pretty much on the dot. I had to get up and help him fall back asleep every single time. Normally Mike would have had to take over at about 5:00 am, but this time I got to do every single occurrence. I got to change every single diaper, and feed every single feeding. I got to rock John to sleep, even when he screamed at me for 15 minutes, where normally Mike would come and spell me off after 10 minutes or so. I got to do every load of laundry, and every load of dishes. I got to answer every phone call, and make every decision. On any given day, I will do most if not all of this anyway, but it is just so much more fun to have the choice to do any of it. To be able to do it with the knowledge that I'm letting my husband relax after a long day of work. Doing it because I have to is just not nearly as fun. I love my baby, but boy, do I ever love his Daddy too!